– Heartwood Path Waypoint 1.65 –
Tug Of Peace
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Heartwood Path All-Access Membership
This membership allows you access to all three of the
Heartwood Path website versions of our
eco-psychology courses:
Within these three courses you will find interesting
text, outdoor activities, and online forums where
you can share your journey down the Heartwood Path
with others via this website (some maintaining
their privacy by using pen-names.
Heartwood Path website versions of our
eco-psychology courses:
- Kosmos: Universal Principles Of Integrity;
- Egos: Connecting With The Individual Self, and
- Ecos: Connecting With The More-Than-Individual Self.
Within these three courses you will find interesting
text, outdoor activities, and online forums where
you can share your journey down the Heartwood Path
with others via this website (some maintaining
their privacy by using pen-names.